Join us on Mission.

We are so grateful you are interested in supporting the ministries of Creekside Community Church. We are 100% funded by the regular giving of our church family. Your generosity enables us to be people helping people discover Jesus and follow Him.

Why We Give

We give because we have first received the ‘Greatest Gift’ ever given. That gift is the gift of life through the person and work of Jesus. It is not a temporary gift but an eternal gift of love, mercy, grace and forgiveness from our Father in heaven. Our giving is not given out of the expectation that we gain favour with God but rather it is out of gratitude for the life we have already received. We also give out of passion and earnestness for the mission we have as a Church, which is to share the hope of the ‘Greatest Gift of Life’ with our community.

3 Ways to Give

Direct Debit

Creekside Community Church
BSB: 034 640
Acc. No: 452940

Credit Card

Cash on Sunday